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Jihad Universe 1.0
Jihad Universe
2.0 stories
Operation PHOENIX
Operation PACIFICA
The Marraketh Connection
Jihad Universe 3.0 stories
Non-Jihad Related
Short Stories
Barney: The Babysitter
by Alex Bellinghausen.
Untitled essay by Jamal Qureshi.
Untitled essay by Shahrazad.
DragonFyr's Pronunciation on the State
of the World and Happy Stuff (In Swahili with English subtitles), by Dan
Barney vs. Individualism, by Terrell
Education, Commercialism and Barney,
by Terrell Henry.
Barnee and the Antagonist, by Jeff Verzak.
"Barney & Friends" vs. "Sesame
Street," A Comparison, by Aimee Yermish.
Untitled Essay by Amanda Van Rhyn.
The stories here are broken up roughly according to their original creation date, as well as their setting:
Jihad Universe 1.0
The way role-playing was originally: pure fantasy with few rules. Ops involved lots of Mary Sue self-glorification and munchkinism, and the Jihad's powers extended into stellar and interdimensional conquest. There were few limits other than whether something was interesting, would add to the story, and could be role-played well. One character was a Q, for instance, and most of the dragons, aliens, and other assorted faefolk showed up under this system.
Battlefield tactics were heavily influenced by the Hellwyrm's traits, with Good Music and alcohol delivery systems being just as useful and important as guns. Mundanes almost never get involved if they are even written into the stories at all; apparently no government ever noticed or complained about Doberman sea fleets larger than the United States Navy.
Operation Phoenix and Operation Pacifica are both JU1 stories.
Jihad Universe 2.0
This is the current standard roleplaying setting used by the Jihad. JU2 is an attempt to impart sanity into the Jihad roleplaying universe by establishing rules regulating magic and physics. Much of the classic Jihad weaponry and equipment, like the Burgermasterblaster, would be rejected if proposed under JU2.
Operation Homefront, Operation Samsonite and The Marraketh Connection are all JU2 stories.
The JU2 Roleplaying Guide is also available elsewhere on the site.
Jihad Universe 3
An semi-official extension of JU2 based on certain ideas by the current GM. There are major differences with former Jihad roleplay. In this storyline, B'harnii and his minions retreated from the Earth in 1999, causing the Jihad to disband and destroy pretty much all of their bases and equipment. The 20,000 or so NPC Jihaddi have been retired or otherwise removed from the game board, and the number of Jihaddi left is not much greater than the number of people actually participating in RP. When the Hell Wyrm returns, the Jihad will have no allies and is going to have to scrounge for materials and use hit and run tactics.
The chief difference with prior Jihad fiction is the weakening of the Corollary Politic. With B'harnii gone for several years, some Jihaddi have gone into politics and a former Sponge Minion has been elected President of the USA. Another difference is the much more invovled role of the mundanes. Police and federal agencies start noticing Jihad actions in a big way, and the Jihad will have to run from them in between fighting B'harnii's returning hordes.
The JU3 story The Return of Owsen is currently in production.
(Guide originally by Warrior Tang for DE
Base Delta, edited slightly by SM Breen for jihad.net.)